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LINK REIT(领展)收购广州太阳新天地购物中心

据LINK REIT披露,其于6月4日订立买卖协议,以人民币32.047亿收购位于广州市天河区珠江新城中心内的太阳新天地购物中心。





悦萃由Pradera Retail Asis管理,Pradera Retail Asia成立于2016年9月,由两家全球顶尖的行业巨头合资成立,致力于在亚洲范围内提供整合、优质的资产管理服务。公司的投资方之一是拥有雄厚专业实力与卓越零售资产管理能力的Pradera,另一方为在大中华区有逾20载地产事务经验的麦格理基础设施及有形资产(MIRA),双方强强联手开拓亚洲市场。在中国,Pradera Retail Asia为MIRA旗下的四个零售地产(上海悦荟、青岛悦荟、西安悦荟、东原·悦荟·新新Park)提供完善的资产优化服务,管理租赁总面积达20万平方米。











− Transaction involves acquisition from Sincere Property and two entities of China Ping An totalling 84.6% interest in a Chinese tech park developer for RMB 850 million; CDL will also assume its proportionate share of shareholders’ loans
− Combined transaction will accord CDL an effective 55% stake in a tech park in Shenzhen which has been independently valued at RMB 8.8 billion
− Tech park located at the technology hub of Greater Bay Area in southern Chinadeveloping 413,634 square metres of gross floor area over four phases

City Developments Limited (CDL) said today it has entered into agreements to acquire from Sincere Property Group (Sincere Property; 协信远创) – its joint venture investment in China – and two entities of China Ping An (Ping An; 中国平安), equity interests which will accord the Singapore real estate conglomerate a combined 55% effective interest in a Shenzhen technology park.

In its first major corporate action since forming a special working group to improve liquidity of Sincere Property, CDL said it has acquired from the three entities a total of 84.6% equity interest in Shenzhen Tusincere Technology Park Development Co. Ltd. (“the Holdco”; 深圳启迪协信科技园发展有限公司) for RMB 850 million (approximately S$174 million1) and will assume existing shareholders’ loan proportionately. Sincere Property will continue to hold the balance 15.4% equity interest in the Holdco.

The Holdco controls 65% equity interest in Shenzhen Longgang Tusincere Tech Park (“the Project”; 深圳龙岗区 启迪协信科技 园) which has been valued at RMB 8.8 billion (approximately S$1,805million1) by independent valuer, Cushman & Wakefield. The remaining 35% equity interest of the Project is held by Shenzhen Longgang District state-owned enterprise (深圳龙岗区商业服务集团有限公司).

This asset acquisition will reduce the gearing of Sincere Property which has faced liquidity issues since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and tighter rules imposed by China related to borrowings of real estate developers. The operating and regulatory environment in China has been evolving rapidly since the Group invested in Sincere Property in April 2020.

The acquisition is the first action by the CDL special working group announced on 4 January 2021 to improve liquidity of its JV equity investment in Sincere Property.

To date, CDL’s total investment in Sincere Property remains at S$1.8 billion as announced inOctober 2020. The Group has not provided any further liquidity support or corporate guarantees to Sincere Property since.

Mr Kwek Leng Beng, CDL Executive Chairman, said, “In executing this asset acquisition the CDL working group is accelerating efforts to implement the restructuring of Sincere Property. Our focus is to improve liquidity while limiting any additional financial exposure by CDL to the investment in Sincere Property.”


领展(LINK REIT)宣布,根据日期为2021年2月24日之框架协议及目标股权转让协议书,领展(透过买方)已同意向卖方收购目标股权。 目标股权占目标公司股权之50%。




按经调整资产净值调整后之代价为相等于人民币64亿元(即议定物业价值)之50%。 于估值日期,根据独立物业估值师之估值报告,该物业之物业估值为人民币65.8亿元。

框架协议载有成交条件。 收购事项之成交须待有关成交条件获达成或(倘适用)豁免后方可作实,其可能会或不会进行。 基金单位持有人及领展之潜在投资者于买卖基金单位时务请审慎行事。于落实成交时,又或倘由于成交条件未获达成以致成交并未进行时,管理人将会作出进一步公告。 管理人亦将会宣布买方或卖方作出之任何调整付款。




进入现场竞价环节后,经过 12轮竞价,卓赏有限公司、Brilliant Return Limited、RECO IROKO PRIVATE LIMITED联合体竞得这一地块,楼面价约2.38万元/平方米,溢价率0.2%。

嘉里建设公告称,其于二零二一年二月二日,卓赏与RECO订立框架协议,据此,订约方同意组成财团,并于竞买成功后成立项目公司,以购买、持有及发展项目地块。 于二零二一年二月二十三日,财团接获上海局方的成交确认书,确认已成功竞买,并且将项目地块之土地使用权授予财团。 因此,卓赏及RECO将订立股东协议以成立项目公司,其中40%及60%股本权益将分别由卓赏及RECO拥有。

项目公司将与上海局方订立土地出让合同。 竞买订金1,435,500,000港元已于提交竞买时支付以符合订金要求,而代价余额将根据土地出让合同予以支付。 订约方将按照各自于项目公司之股权比例,向项目公司提供总额不超过承担金额之股东资金用以支付代价及有关税项。

预计项目公司亦会考虑从金融机构及/或银行取得所需资金及/或融资,以用作该项目之营运资金需求。 项目地块指定作住宅、办公室及商业用途,总占地面积约为66,059.5平方米。 项目地块之住宅、办公室及商业用地土地使用权年期分别为70年、50年及40年。 住宅部分将用作出售,而商业及办公室部分将保留作为由项目公司管理及营运之物业。

Perennial-led Consortium to Divest 50% Stake in AXA Tower, Singapore to Alibaba Singapore at an Agreed Property Price of S$1.68 Billion

Forms new consortium with same investors, and jointly with Alibaba Singapore, redevelop AXA Tower

(Singapore, 6 May 2020)

Perennial Real Estate Holdings Limited (“Perennial”) has through Perennial Shenton Investors Pte. Ltd. (“PSIPL”), a Perennial-led entity comprising a consortium of investors, entered into a share purchase agreement (“SPA”) with a subsidiary (“Alibaba Singapore”) of Alibaba Group Holding Limited(“Alibaba”), a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, for the sale of a 50% stake (the“Sale Shares”) in Perennial Shenton Holding Pte. Ltd. (“PSHPL”) and the transfer of 50% of the shareholders’ loan outstanding (the “Loan”) to Alibaba Singapore based on an agreed property price of S$1.68 billion (the “Agreed Property Price”) (the “Sale”).

PSHPL indirectly owns AXA Tower, a 50-storey landmark Grade ‘A’ office development with a retail podium sited within Singapore’s Central Business District (“AXA Tower”). Perennial currently indirectly owns an effective 31.2% stake in AXA Tower.

Concurrently, Perennial has together with the same consortium of investors formed a new entity, PRE 13 Pte. Ltd. (“Perennial Newco”), and through PSIPL, transferred the remaining 50% equity stake (the “Balance Shares”) in PSHPL and 50% of the Loan Outstanding (the“Share Transfer”) to Perennial Newco. Perennial will indirectly own a 20% stake in Perennial Newco and an effective 10% stake in AXA Tower.

Upon completion of the Sale and the Share Transfer (together, the “Transaction”), which is expected to take place around June 2020, subject to the conditions precedent being satisfied, Perennial Newco and Alibaba Singapore will enter into a joint venture agreement for the redevelopment of AXA Tower.

Perennial’s share of the net proceeds following the Transaction is expected to be approximately S$196.4millionand its share of the divestment gain is approximately S$45million. The balance proceeds, after Perennial’s reinvestment into Perennial Newco, is expected to be approximately S$137.6 million.

AXA Tower currently has an existing gross floor area (“GFA”) of approximately 1.05 million square feet (“sq ft”). Based on Urban Redevelopment Authority’s Master Plan 2019, AXA Tower has already secured an approved uplift in its gross plot ratio which would increase the development’s existing GFA from approximately 1.05 million sq ft to approximately 1.24 million sq ft. Approval has also been obtained to further increase AXA Tower’s GFA to 1.55 million sq ft should it integrate hotel and residential usage under the CBD Incentive Scheme.

Mr Pua Seck Guan, Chief Executive Officer of Perennial, said, “The divestment of AXA Tower aligns with our capital recycling strategy to deliver a divestment gain, while retaining our involvement to create value via the redevelopment of the prime property which is strategically sited within the Greater Southern Waterfront with breathtaking sea views. Alibaba is already an anchor tenant at AXA Tower, and we are pleased to have their support in creating an iconic landmark in Singapore’s CBD.”

Brief Details on the Transaction

The consideration for the Sale Shares is based on the net asset value (“NAV”) of PSHPL as at closing, calculated based on the Agreed Property Price, and subject to certain adjustments for the NAV of PSHPL as at closing. The consideration for the Sale Shares was determined after arm’s length negotiations between PSIPL and Alibaba Singapore, taking into consideration the current market value of AXA Tower. The consideration for the Loan will be 50% of the principal outstanding under the Loan as at closing.

Within the prescribed period after the execution of the SPA, a deposit of S$16 million will be paid into an escrow account which will be retained by PSIPL on closing. The balance consideration for the Sale Shares and the Loan will be paid in cash, once such computation has been derived based on the agreed terms in the SPA. The completion of the Sale is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the condition that Perennial Shenton Property Pte. Ltd. secure financing for a principalamount of not less than 65% of the Agreed Property Price and other customary conditions precedent.

The consideration for the Balance Shares is based on the NAV of PSHPL as at closing, calculated based on the Agreed Property Price, and subject to certain adjustments for the NAV of PSHPL as at closing. The consideration for the Balance Shares was determined after arm’s length negotiations between PSIPL and Perennial Newco taking into consideration the Agreed Property Price. The consideration for the Loan will be 50% of the principal outstanding under the Loan as at closing.

The proceeds received by PSIPL from the Sale and the Balance Shares will be upstreamedproportionately to Perennial and the consortium members in accordance with their shareholding in PSIPL. Perennial will then utilise a portion of such proceeds to reinvest in the Perennial Newco.








Link REIT Sells 12 Properties at HK$12.01 Billion Exceeding Appraised Value by approx. 32.1%

Link REIT (“Link”; Hong Kong stock code: 823), Asia’s largest real estate investment trust, today announced that on 12 December 2018, Link entered into agreements with a consortium led by Gaw Capital Partners to dispose of 12 properties, following a competitive sale process, for a total consideration of HK$12.01 billion (please refer to the list of properties at the end of the press release).

The consideration, the highest offered for the properties, represents approximately a 32.1% premium to the appraised value of the portfolio as of 30 September 2018 and a net disposal gain of about HK$2,787.6 million.

George Hongchoy, Chief Executive Officer of Link Asset Management Limited, the manager of Link REIT, said, “Despite recent market volatility, the property sale attracted overwhelming interest from leading international investors, including global and regional private equity funds, as well as local investors. The competitive bids and final sale price, at better pricing than those achieved in the past disposals, underline global investor confidence in Hong Kong’s economy and its real estate sector while further demonstrating Link’s ability in managing and enhancing assets.

“We are confident that with Gaw Capital Partners’ expertise and experience in asset management, they will continue to create value for stakeholders by further enhancing the operations of the disposed properties,” added Mr Hongchoy.

Following the disposal of the 12 properties and the acquisition of Beijing Jingtong Roosevelt Plaza as announced earlier on 26 Nov 2018, Link will have about 90.1% of its assets in Hong Kong and 9.9% in mainland China. Total portfolio value will amount to about HK$204 billion.

Proceeds of the sale will be used for new investment opportunities in Hong Kong and first-tier cities in mainland China, in addition to general working capital purposes including debt repayment and, where appropriate, unit buy-backs. Completion of the disposals will take place on 13 March 2019.

Link is one of the world’s largest retail-focused REITs and a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Index. It has a portfolio of about 9 million sq. ft. of retail space, around 61,000 carpark spaces and a Grade-A commercial tower with approximately 0.9 million sq. ft. under development in Hong Kong as of today. In mainland China, its portfolio includes nearly 4 million sq. ft. of retail and office space housed in four properties in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Link Asset Management intends to communicate with tenants, nearby residents and other stakeholders to keep them informed on matters relating to the transfer of ownership of the 12 properties, and the purchaser’s assumption of the obligations set out in the Hong Kong Housing Authority covenants.

HSBC and Cushman & Wakefield were the advisors for both the portfolio review and the disposal exercise.

The 12 properties sold, pending completion of the transaction on 13 March, 2019, are as follows:

Ap Lei Chau Property
Chun Shek Property
Fortune Property
King Lam Property
Lei Tung Property
Ming Tak Property
Shan King Property
Siu Hei Property
Tai Ping Property
Wah Ming Property
Wah Sum Property
Wang Tau Hom Property

CapitaLand announces top leadership succession as the Group charts next phase of growth

Current Group Chief Investment Officer Lee Chee Koon to be appointed as President & Group CEO

Singapore, 28 August 2018 – CapitaLand Limited announced today its top leadership team that will drive its next phase of growth. The team comprises:
1) LEE Chee Koon – President & Group Chief Executive Officer
2) Jason LEOW Juan Thong – President (Asia* & Retail)
3) Lucas LOH Jen Yuh – President (China & Investment Management)

These appointments will take effect from 15 September 2018.

Mr Ng Kee Choe, Chairman of CapitaLand Limited said: “The Board has continually worked with the management team on succession planning and deepening of bench strength to build a robust talent pipeline. After a very thorough and systematic review process, the Board is pleased to put in place leaders with the best fit and capability to chart CapitaLand’s next phase of growth. Chee Koon, Jason and Lucas are key members of the management team and have been instrumental in developing and executing the Group’s growth strategy. Led by Chee Koon, the team’s combined competencies and experiences will benefit CapitaLand greatly.”

Mr Lee Chee Koon is currently the Group Chief Investment Officer of CapitaLand. He joined the company in February 2007 and has held several appointments within the Group, including as Chief Executive Officer of The Ascott Limited (Ascott), CapitaLand’s wholly owned serviced residence business. Mr Lee brings a wealth of experience in operational strategy, corporate business development and a strong track record in developing partnerships. Over a four-year period from 2013, he successfully led Ascott’s recovery in profits, significantly grew its revenues and oversaw its unprecedented expansion.

Mr Lee said: “I am deeply honoured to have this opportunity to lead CapitaLand in its next phase of growth. Ming Yan has built a strong foundation for expansion. I will build upon it to bring CapitaLand forward and to achieve greater returns to shareholders. I look forward to working with a very experienced Board and our dedicated colleagues at CapitaLand to shape a greater future for the Group.”

After stepping down as President & Group CEO on 15 September 2018, Mr Lim Ming Yan will continue to serve as a Board Director of the company until 31 December 2018.

Mr Lim said: “I am committed to working closely with the Board and Chee Koon to achieve a smooth transition. Chee Koon has proven himself to be a highly driven and capable leader with strong core values. I am delighted to be handing over the reins to an executive of his calibre. This new cohort of top leadership was primed and groomed for many years, and I am proud to see them rising to the challenge.”