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CapitaLand announces top leadership succession as the Group charts next phase of growth

Current Group Chief Investment Officer Lee Chee Koon to be appointed as President & Group CEO

Singapore, 28 August 2018 – CapitaLand Limited announced today its top leadership team that will drive its next phase of growth. The team comprises:
1) LEE Chee Koon – President & Group Chief Executive Officer
2) Jason LEOW Juan Thong – President (Asia* & Retail)
3) Lucas LOH Jen Yuh – President (China & Investment Management)

These appointments will take effect from 15 September 2018.

Mr Ng Kee Choe, Chairman of CapitaLand Limited said: “The Board has continually worked with the management team on succession planning and deepening of bench strength to build a robust talent pipeline. After a very thorough and systematic review process, the Board is pleased to put in place leaders with the best fit and capability to chart CapitaLand’s next phase of growth. Chee Koon, Jason and Lucas are key members of the management team and have been instrumental in developing and executing the Group’s growth strategy. Led by Chee Koon, the team’s combined competencies and experiences will benefit CapitaLand greatly.”

Mr Lee Chee Koon is currently the Group Chief Investment Officer of CapitaLand. He joined the company in February 2007 and has held several appointments within the Group, including as Chief Executive Officer of The Ascott Limited (Ascott), CapitaLand’s wholly owned serviced residence business. Mr Lee brings a wealth of experience in operational strategy, corporate business development and a strong track record in developing partnerships. Over a four-year period from 2013, he successfully led Ascott’s recovery in profits, significantly grew its revenues and oversaw its unprecedented expansion.

Mr Lee said: “I am deeply honoured to have this opportunity to lead CapitaLand in its next phase of growth. Ming Yan has built a strong foundation for expansion. I will build upon it to bring CapitaLand forward and to achieve greater returns to shareholders. I look forward to working with a very experienced Board and our dedicated colleagues at CapitaLand to shape a greater future for the Group.”

After stepping down as President & Group CEO on 15 September 2018, Mr Lim Ming Yan will continue to serve as a Board Director of the company until 31 December 2018.

Mr Lim said: “I am committed to working closely with the Board and Chee Koon to achieve a smooth transition. Chee Koon has proven himself to be a highly driven and capable leader with strong core values. I am delighted to be handing over the reins to an executive of his calibre. This new cohort of top leadership was primed and groomed for many years, and I am proud to see them rising to the challenge.”